Masters of Computers

The Guild of Koberda IT

Summon us to your door step… We will diagnose you for free

The guild is very happy to take your business. We will appear at your workshops and stores for free on the first summoning. Of course later we would want recompensation if we must travel from our castles again.

We are masters of many things

This is but a sample of our possible feats. Speak with us if there is anything you do not see here

Defense against the dark arts

We will protect your computers against criminal scum. Pay us a fair bounty and we will even track them down.

Supervision of your computers

We can have our keeper watch over your domain from afar. Make sure everything run smoothly… Or keep your serfs from looking at websites with less than fair maidens.

Repair and Remodel

Looking for something new? We can peruse from the finest merchants abroad. Computers, servers, anything to your heart’s desire. Oh and of course repair it too.

The Minions

Select whom you wish to be serviced by. We have many talented guildsmen.

Send a Raven, we will arrive shortly.

Bestow us with your lordly presence

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